February 2025

February 2025

Lucky To Know You -- Designed by Lauren @ More Me Know

Don't Be Afraid to Take Up Space (Ivy) -- Botany Blurbs -- Designed by Josie @ More Me Know

Stay Humble -- Designed by Nancy @ Fabric Therapy

Drawn To You -- Designed by Josie @ More Me Know

Scissor USB Stick

Botany Blurbs


also known as



Ivy, from the Genus Hedera, is a family of 12-15 species of creeping plants. These beauties creep and climb up trees, buildings, fences, and along the ground. They can climb in excess of 10 feet when left to their own devices. Certain species of ivy bear fruit that is eaten by birds and then dispersed. The berries are toxic to humans. They are native to Eurasia and North Africa, but have spread to North America and Australia. 

Ivy is featured in many cultures. In Ancient Rome, it is link to Bacchus, the Roman god of intoxication. It was believed that wearing a wreath of ivy would prevent intoxication, and many taverns advertised by featuring ivy bushes or ivy-wrapped poles. To this day, there are pubs in the United Kingdom called The Ivy.  In Christianity, it symbols life and love as it can remain green while clinging to dead trees. It has also been used in Christianity as a symbol for the Virgin Mary. 

Ivy is toxic to pets, so be sure to keep it out of reach, Always consult your veterinarian before bringing plants into a home with pets. 

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